Visualise dose-paths as a graph
graph_paths(paths, viridis_palette = "viridis", RColorBrewer_palette = NULL)
Object of type dose_paths
optional name of a colour palette in the viridis package.
optional name of a colour palette in the RColorBrewer package.
The viridis package supports palettes: viridis, magma, plasma, inferno, and cividis. The RColorBrewer package supports many palettes. Refer to those packages on CRAN for more details.
paths <- get_three_plus_three(num_doses = 5) %>%
get_dose_paths(cohort_sizes = c(3, 3, 3))
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
graph_paths(paths, viridis_palette = 'plasma')
graph_paths(paths, RColorBrewer_palette = 'YlOrRd')
} # }