This method continues at the current dose when the outcomes observed exactly num_doses toxicity events in num_patients patients.

stick_on_num_tox(parent_selector_factory, num_tox, num_patients)



Object of type selector_factory.


Stick at current dose when this many toxicities are seen...

num_patients this many patients


an object of type selector_factory that can fit a dose-finding model to outcomes.


target <- 0.25
# Where a design might choose to deescalate:
model1 <- get_mtpi2(num_doses = 5, target = target, epsilon1 = 0.05,
                    epsilon2 = 0.05, exclusion_certainty = 0.95)
model1 %>% fit('1NNN 2NTN') %>% recommended_dose()
#> [1] 1
# you can alter that behaviour when a precise number of toxicities have been
# seen in a precise number of patients:
model2 <- get_mtpi2(num_doses = 5, target = target, epsilon1 = 0.05,
                    epsilon2 = 0.05, exclusion_certainty = 0.95) %>%
            stick_on_num_tox(num_tox = 1, num_patients = 3)
model2 %>% fit('1NNN 2NTN') %>% recommended_dose()
#> [1] 2
# The current dose is recommended instead.