Get the length of time that trials take to recruit all patients.

trial_duration(x, ...)



Object of type simulations.


arguments passed to other methods


vector of numerical times


true_prob_tox <- c(0.12, 0.27, 0.44, 0.53, 0.57)
sims <- get_three_plus_three(num_doses = 5) %>%
  simulate_trials(num_sims = 50, true_prob_tox = true_prob_tox)
sims %>% trial_duration
#>  [1]  6.0 18.5 10.2  9.5 15.5 10.8  6.8 18.9  9.3 14.3 15.1 11.2 19.5  9.1  9.0
#> [16]  9.0 13.0 11.2 12.8  8.2  5.0 10.7  8.3  3.7  3.6 10.0 12.8  8.4 12.0 10.6
#> [31] 14.8 15.0  9.9 17.4 12.0 14.2 17.1  9.3  9.0  8.7 15.3 17.8  6.5 15.6  9.0
#> [46]  9.5  7.6  8.7  3.3  9.5